
台灣,是一個縱容濫捕濫殺同伴動物的國家嗎?!請全桃園縣民以及全台關心桃園縣動物政策的朋友加入連署,桃園縣推廣動物保護協會將於99/08/11 (三)號召大家走上街頭,為廣大受虐的無辜生命請命。

連署及媒體聯絡人:桃園縣推廣動物保護協會 執行長 鄧巧玲 0935-451-348 ; 03-4269632


(2)參加99/08/11 (三)的陳情行動,桃園縣推廣動物保護協會號召大家走上街頭,為廣大受虐的無辜生命請命。可於當天參加陳情的團體或民眾,請電話或是電子信箱聯絡:
鄧巧玲 0935451348,

◆提醒: 影片有令人不安之片段,請自行斟酌觀看◆


◆【陳情行動 99/08/11 (三)】◆

要求吳志揚縣長終止濫捕,捕犬業務回歸動保機關,提升收容所動物福利!請全桃園縣民以及全台關心桃園縣動物政策的朋友加入連署,桃園縣推廣動物保護協會將於99/08/11 (三)號召大家走上街頭,為廣大受虐的無辜生命請命。



【行動流程99/08/11 (三)】
9:00 集合
10:00 縣府廣場前陳情行動
10:15 徐景文議員等到場聲援 (議員陸續邀請中)
10:40 遞交陳情書給桃園縣長
11:00 行動結束
鄧巧玲 0935451348,



桃園縣的犬貓捕捉量從93年的1771頭至98年的9430頭,五年內增加了5.3 倍。儘管捕捉量年年攀升,棄犬貓的數量卻未因此而減少。清潔隊捕獲多為親人、走失、TNR、戴有項圈卻沒有植入晶片的犬隻,而真正會製造公共問題的犬隻,反而因難以親近而抓不到。除了濫捕外,捕捉過程也相當殘忍,諸如毒狗、吊狗、侵入民宅強行擄狗等帶頭視生命如垃圾般處置的暴行,不僅無法解決民眾陳情的問題,反而引發更大的民怨!


今年2月1日行政院邀集各直轄市、縣(市)首長親自出席研商改善流浪犬貓捕捉及收容事宜,結果吳縣長卻指派秘書長許育寧代表出席。本會於2月23日致電縣府關心,秘書處卻對此業務會議內容毫無所悉!面對每況愈下收容所內動物的慘況,因應的措施竟是「增加收容空間」、「加速人道處理之人力」!我們不禁要問 : 桃園縣立動物收容所,何以變成虐待動物的納粹集中營?清潔隊每年捕捉近九千頭、撲殺八千多頭犬貓,換來的是縣民的生活品質還是助長社會暴力?桃園縣,難道真是一座縱容濫捕濫殺同伴動物的城市嗎?!桃園縣民們真的支持這種「濫捕濫殺」的政策嗎?

請全桃園縣民以及全台關心桃園縣動物政策的朋友加入連署,桃園縣推廣動物保護協會將於99/08/11 (三)號召大家走上街頭,為廣大受虐的無辜生命請命。



台中縣大里市捕犬員陳仁川殘忍拖拉一隻前後腳都骨折的重傷狗,死拖活拉硬舉塞捕犬車,讓狗兒死前遭受無比痛楚,明顯違反“動物報護法“及“人道捕犬作業規範“ 。
政府帶頭虐犬的案件層出不窮,光是在這邊漫罵似乎成效不彰,因此,就是這次,動保志工「豬生狗養貓帶大」決定採取告發,我們將“串連網友正式提出告訴“ 。

(3) 捕犬業務回歸動物保護機關,不再委由清潔隊。


(1)請至台灣連署資源運籌平台 一起加入連署,盡你一份小小的力量,小小的力量不可小覷,團結就是力量!大家若有這樣的共識與行動力,台灣的動保才會大步向前!


Taiwan's government take the lead in the case of dog abuse endless! Please join together to participate in petition signatures & action, with the majority of abused plead innocent lives. If we force this consensus and action, Taiwan's Animal Protection will be a big step forward!

Taiwan - Taoyuan County, is a condoned the killing of companion animals, fishing city? ! Please all the people and the Taiwan Taoyuan County, Taoyuan County animal care policies of friends to petition, Taoyuan County Animal Protection Society will be promoting 99/08/11 (3) we take to the streets calling for the majority of abused plead innocent lives.

◆ 【petition demands:】 ◆

(1) repeal Clean Team Buquan improve capture threshold amount under the revised Bu Quan. The establishment of integrated reporting system for 13 townships Bu Quan (eg 1999) and lend a professional training, to prevent overfishing and educational function.

(2) business return within one month of the Protection of Animals held Buquan public hearing the competent authorities, to develop business return mechanism to amend the "Taoyuan County dog management autonomy regulations."

(3) increased funding for animal protection, such as the volume of business investment on human and material resources to strengthen the management and owners are responsible source, to reduce unwanted dogs, lower revenue capacity, improve animal welfare shelters.

(4) plans to establish as soon as possible "Animal Protection Service", dedicated to promoting good animal protection services.
Petition and Media Contact: Taoyuan County Animal Protection Society to promote the implementation of long Deng Qiaoling 0935-451-348; 03-4269632

◆ 【join the petition way / you can help what is it? :】 ◆

(1) Please take practical action (petition), the light is invalid according to participate! I have joined the petition, and that you?
(2) to participate 99/08/11 (Wednesday)) of influence in action, Taoyuan County Animal Protection Association to promote people took to the streets calling for the majority of abused plead innocent lives. May petition the same day to participate in group or people, please call or e-mail contact:
Deng Qiaoling 0935451348, email:

◆ reminder: there are disturbing the video clip, watch at your own discretion ◆ # p/a/u/0/h0_GV_AL22M

◆ 【petition action 99/08/11 (Wednesday)】 ◆
Taiwan - Taoyuan County, is a condoned the killing of companion animals, fishing city? !
Asked Magistrate Wu Zhiyang end overfishing, Buquan business return animal protection agencies, to enhance animal welfare shelters! Please all the people and the Taiwan Taoyuan County, Taoyuan County animal care policies of friends to petition, Taoyuan County Animal Protection Society will be promoting 99/08/11 (Wed) we take to the streets calling for the majority of abused plead innocent lives.

【Action origin and aspirations】
viewtopic.php? f = 1 & t = 18166

【Action】 Please take practical action to petition (petition), the light is invalid according to participate!

【Action Process 99/08/11 (Wednesday)】
9:00 Collection
10:00 County Government plaza petition action
10:15 Xu Jingwen Mr Sida support (Members have invited in)
Submit a petition to the Taoyuan County 10:40
Action ended 11:00
May petition the same day to participate in group or people, please call or e-mail contact:
Deng Qiaoling 0935451348, email:

◆ end over-fishing and animal protection agencies Buquan return business, improve animal welfare shelters ◆
According to the Taiwan Council of Agriculture (2007) survey, Taoyuan County include more than 100 thousand families in animals as partners. The Taoyuan County, Taiwan is the third high-capacity disposable income in dogs and cats, pet breeders sale of the first high volume counties. Taoyuan County, the county public policy implications of animal life, a large, but also reflects a level of urban civilization.
Buquan candy, captured mostly family dogs, non-"problem dogs "......

Taoyuan County, dogs and cats increased from 93 years to capture the 1771-98 year 9430, an increase of 5.3 times in five years. Although catch up year after year, the number of abandoned dogs and cats has not been eroded. Clean Team captured mostly relatives, lost, TNR, did not wearing a collar dogs microchipped, and will create a real public issue of dogs, but difficult to close because of the grasp. In addition to fishing, the capture process is also very cruel, such as drug dogs, hanging dogs, housebreaking dogs and forced to take the lead as the captive life, such as waste disposal as the atrocities, not only can not solve the problems people petition, but lead to greater discontent!

Lack of resources, excess shelter, and finally burst dog eat dog abuse ......
So many dogs and cats at home but can not go home, so that Taiwan - Taoyuan County animal shelters are full every day. Shelter in each field, but a square-meter space, it will take nine dogs stuffed, over-exploitation leading to the result of excess shelter for dogs in the crowded cell, because each bite injuries, death, eat less feed , drink less water, cross-infection disease, many animals simply can not wait the 12 days statutory notice, on the fear of dying in pain. Was adopt out animals, the ratio of up to two-thirds of infected dogs for plague in the shelter, enteritis, serious illness or death, so many of those who love discourage adoption. As the capture of high volume, poor animal health conditions, adoption rate, shelter space is limited, making shelters more than up to Bacheng facing mass slaughter of animals must be fate. The county animal shelter of financial constraints, manpower supply is tight, the average person is responsible for nearly the first dogs and cats, in the care of a serious shortage of manpower, and eventually the outbreak of dog eat dog again a tragedy!
We should not increase in the intake space to speed up the culling of animals more than human!

Executive Yuan on February 1 this year, invited all municipalities, counties (cities) heads to attend to study and improve the capture stray dogs and cats asylum matters, the result is assigned to the Secretary-General Xu Yuning Wu county representatives. The Council on February 23 by calling the county concerned about the contents of the Secretariat of the Conference but have nothing about it in business! The face of deteriorating plight of animals in shelters, in response to the measures was that the "increase in shelter space," "speed up the humane treatment of human!" We must ask: Taoyuan County animal shelter, animal abuse, why become a Nazi concentration camp? Clean Team, capturing nearly 9,000 a year, long culled 8,000 dogs and cats in return for the county people's quality of life or contribute to violence in society? Taoyuan County, it really a conniving fishing companion animals in the city killing it? ! Taoyuan County People who really support this "indiscriminate fishing" policy?

Repeal Clean Team Bu Quan, Buquan business return animal protection authorities to improve animal welfare shelters
Please all the people and the Taiwan Taoyuan County, Taoyuan County animal care policies of friends to petition, Taoyuan County Animal Protection Society will be promoting 99/08/11(Wednesday) we take to the streets calling for the majority of abused plead innocent lives.

◆ 【Taiwan's animal protection-related activities:】 ◆

This time, the animal protection volunteers, "pig dog cat brought students to" get the country angry netizens to court!
Dali City, Taichung County, members of Chen Renchuan cruel Buquan feet before dragging a fracture of the injured dog, living dead drag car pulled hard to cite plug Buquan, let the dog suffered immense pain before he died, in clear violation of "animal reportedly protect the law" and " humanitarian Buquan operating norms. "
Government taking the lead dog abuse case after another, just seems abusive and ineffective in the side, so that the animal protection volunteers, "pig dog cat brought students" decided to lay an information, we will "formally connecting users to tell" .

【Petition and appeals Subject:】

(1) punish negligent officials, unqualified personnel should be immediately removed from serving.
(2) the establishment of humane Buquan SOP (standard operating procedures), and thoroughly implemented and supervised.
(3) Buquan business return animal protection agencies and no longer appointed by the Clean Team.

【Join the petition way / what you can to help busy:】

(1) go to Taiwan resource logistics platform petition to join a signature campaign to make you a little power, little can not be underestimated, Unity is strength! If we force this consensus and action, Taiwan's Animal Protection will be a big step forward!
(2) If you are willing to assist the relevant operations / entities to participate in future protests, please send your information send a letter to:
Reference Source:


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